Saturday, August 8, 2009


B: black coffee, some mango, a couple grapes, a coconut (water and meat), a couple bites of leftover burger
L: leftover burger, sauteed veg., a glass of freshly sieved rasberries (o.k. juice...sue me)
S: a couple grapes, a bite or two of pate de foie (this one was canned and i had to check the ingredients S.T.A.T. when it had such a different mouth feel from the stuff i usually get.  result?  POTATO STARCH!!!!!!!  i mean, really), and dark chocolate
D: carrots, a couple green beans, and pot roast 
S: greens and whey protein (I KNOW!  i'm having a hard time with this one.  i'm in the caribbean and i just don't have access to as many leafy greens as i usually do and my body is just craving this stuff!)

i walked in the mountains a little bit today.  enough to get the heart rate up and the calves sore (which really isn't much, it was so steep).  worked on the vitamin D stores by soaking up some sun while the kid swam.

i'm wanting to do some heavy lifting and some moderate intensity cardio.  i drove around a lot today.  that always fatigues me.

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